Monday, January 3, 2011

An Interesting Endgame

I play on GameKnot mainly to work on my openings and have some fun. But the last game I finished had an incredibly interesting endgame which I have tried to analyse. The start position was:

I was black and it was my move. The question that must be asked is who is better? At the time, I felt happy with black trusting that the bishop would work well in this position with pawns on both sides of the board. However, after analysing I think white is close to winning.

After a couple of moves the game had moved forward. I felt that black had good chances here, but it seems the position is roughly level. So this is probably the second time I overestimated my position in just a couple of moves.
It was a round here that I realised that I had to be careful and that white had a dangerous queen side initiative.

The full analysis follows in the pgn viewer, but if anyone has any ideas or variations that can change any evaluations, then please pass them on. My analysis has not made use of a computer, so it would be interesting to see any strong engine analysis.

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